বৃহস্পতিবার, ৮ মে, ২০১৪

Venus Treatments: Giving You Your Ideal Body with Zero Pain

Exactly what do you want for your body? Perhaps some circumference reduction for that coke-bottle shape all women want? Some skin-tightening, and maybe even some wrinkle-reduction to keep the digits of your age your dirty little secret? Now there really is no harm in wishing, but it’s the “taking action to get your wish” part that’s hard. I suppose we all know that the road to getting the body you want definitely isn’t just a road you can just take overnight and expect to finish. Instead, it’s the “no pain, no gain” kind of road that beats down hard on you and your schedule, and even harder when you come back from the road with no results. Sometimes there isn’t even a road at all, what with some not really doing well with pain. Well, fear not because the 21st century has come around along with the invention of Venus legacy Treatments.

Exactly what are Venus Treatments? Well, it’s a series of revolutionary aesthetic medical treatments for your face, neck, arms, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs that promise your ideal body. How will the treatments do it? Non-invasively and with absolutely no discomfort or pain, of course! Instead of all that, you’ll get to feel like your having warm massage while your body gets molded to look exactly what you want. Your days of envying magazine models and television stars will be long gone and all you had to do was go to a spa, a med-spa to be exact.

So exactly how does this sorcery work? Well, the treatments come in two categories, LiftFX™ and SculptFX™. Both employ a revolutionary 4D technology, the four dimensions being: Multi-Polar Radio Frequency, which is focuses heat to various tissue depths, allowing the disabling of fat cells and, at the same time, stimulating new collagen to grow. Pulsed Magnetic Fields, which increases blood flow and cellular nourishment, allowing the healing and rejuvenation process to accelerate, as well as slow down aging. VariPulse™, which allows the former two to work more uniformly all the while enhancing patient comfort. The last dimesnsion is Real Time Thermal Feedback which allows one to monitor the former three dimensions at play in the treatment.

Now, I guess you’re asking if the treatment is safe. After all, it’s hard to believe that something so perfect for you and your health could actually exist. Well, the answer is definitely a yes. If you look at the history of medicine, the treatment is not the first to use Radio Frequency and Magnetic Pulse Therapy. Through the years, the two have proven themselves to be safe and effective. But, if you’re still in doubt, your treatment provider will definitely use all the information you provide him or her with to devise the perfect treatment for you.

Another perk? Well, the treatments require no downtime, meaning you can just pop in at the Advanced Medical Aesthetics nearest you and return to your normal life right after. Visit admeda.com to know more about venus legacy service.

শুক্রবার, ২ মে, ২০১৪

Skin tightening and body recontouring

Ones look is definitely as important personal asset that all people around the globe invest on. A good looking skin and a body in the perfect shape gives one the self-esteem and courage to face day to day activities with confidence and ease of mind. This is one of the core reasons as to why skintightening and body recontouring has become a very popular concept in the cosmetic industry. Consequently a lot of innovations and advancements have been done in the field to enable people seeking to enhance their look have that opportunity.
There are many facilities that offer skin tightening and body recontouring services. They include Med spas, day spars and other clinical facilities. Skin tightening has been eased given the fact that there has non incisive ways that one can use to tighten the skin. This eliminates the need to undergo a cosmetic surgery for the same which are not-only expensive by pose big health risks to the body and particularly the skin. Let’s look at some of the things that one should keep in mind before undergoing these cosmetic procedures.
Information is the key to getting it right. As seen before the cosmetic industry is clogged with information and technicalities of which some of them are not correct. This is because many are constantly looking for ways to correct their body looks and due to that there are many in this business selling ideas and even cosmetic services to people. Some of them are not qualified in what they do and also the procedures they use are not certified by the medical board. Therefore before deciding on the method do a lot of consultation and seek information from relevant information about what that cosmetic procedure entails, results and if any, the consequences. This will give you a chance to prepare adequately for the procedure.
After doing enough consultation it is also important that you choose a reliable facility to have the procedures done on you. Some like laser skin tightening may have serious side effects if done by non-qualified personnel like serious burning of the skin by the laser beams. When it comes to injectables like Botox and fillers it requires the supervision of qualified and certified medical personnel. This will guarantee that the procedures will give the desired results and at the same time minimize the possible side effects that may occur due to improper administration of the procedures.
When all the above is looked into, one can then chose and undergoes the body contouring procedure he or she wills. Today’s technology has enabled evolution in the field and one can now access larger body treats that gives deep, volumetric and inner dermal treatment resulting in a more appealing body contour. All this had been limited to surgery but now they can be done through clinically proven body contouring non-invasive and non-surgical ways to reduce cellulite in the waist, abdomen, buttocks, hips and other body areas. Just walk in a reliable cosmetic facility and have your skin tightened and your body contoured for good looking skin and body. To know more about skin tightening visit this website.